Installing to your Laptop – Steps 4 to 6
The steps to setting up and using EasyAs on your laptop are very simple as most of these steps are a combination of previous steps.
Multiple Office Pc’s
During this step we are referring to a laptop installation and a mobile situation. However this step can be substituted for another office pc. Remember that Steps 1 to 3 provided instructions for your main pc, the main pc is a reference to the pc that already has your data files.
If you have already been using easyas for a while then you already have easyas setup and working on a pc, for the purpose of this instruction please treat that pc as your main pc, you can replace any reference to the laptop with any of the other office pc’s, as the installation and setup on a laptop is no different to the installation and setup on another office pc.
** Important – Before moving ahead to this video I need to point out a few things:
The video commences from a point in time after the installation of EasyAs on your Laptop. The video is going to assume that you have already installed easyas on your laptop.
We know that in a previous video we instructed you not to install easyas on your laptop and that we wanted you to wait, we did this for a reason as we did not want you performing the same steps with the moving of the easyas data files to the dropbox location on your laptop (it is important that you Do Not do this on your laptop)
If you have not already installed easyas on your laptop then you may do that now. Please do not do anything else apart from installing the software onto your laptop. – do not move the data files to the dropbox location as your did in a previous video, after you have installed easyas onto your laptop then view and follow the steps in the video below.
All you need to do to install EasyAs on your Laptop is to go to the main download page and download and install a new copy of the easyas software onto your laptop, installing it in the normal manner. Once you have done this then please return and start watching the video below.
Be aware that the person who created our videos has a nickname for dropbox, he calls it lockbox, and as such you will hear him mention lockbox on many occasions, please substitute the word lockbox for dropbox..
This video covers a combination of Steps 4 to 6.