Reinstalling Your EasyAs Software
Existing Clients Please DO NOT Reinstall the EasyAs Software without first reading this page, or complete data loss could occur.
If you have found your way to this page and you are simply looking for the latest software update then go to this page for updates
I already have a backup of my Data Files
If you already have a backup of your EasyAs Data Files and you have found your way here because you experienced a pc crash and you have also reinstalled windows and are now ready to reinstall easyas and restore your data files, then please go to this page as the instructions will be the same as if you were reinstalling onto a new pc..
Warning: If you have not yet backed up your data files then you MUST read below before you attempt to reinstall easyas or even to restore windows to your pc.
Are you Installing EasyAs onto the SAME Computer As Before
If you are about to install the software onto a pc that already has EasyAs installed then you must read the following information (the complete page) before attempting this; failure to do so could result in complete data loss.
EasyAs Is Not Working:
If windows is having a problem and it is causing a malfunction with the EasyAs Software then you may need to uninstall and reinstall the program, however you MUST ensure you have a backup of your data files BEFORE you uninstall and reinstall the software. Please continue reading as you will discover below how you can manually copy and save your EasyAs Data Files.
Windows or Easyas is Corrupted:
If Windows has a problem or for some reason you cannot access the easyas software then you may need to uninstall and reinstall EasyAs.. Sometimes your windows registry can get corrupted and windows can become confused, and sometimes it may even be that a virus or power failure corrupted a file needed by EasyAs…
The most important step which you must do first BEFORE you attempt to uninstall and reinstall the easyas software (or reinstall windows if this is your problem) is to backup your data files, if you do not do this before you uninstall the EasyAs Software or reinstall Windows then you WILL lose all your data…
Why do I need to Backup First:
During the installation of EasyAs the software will always install a new empty set of data files. This is logical as the software treats all installations like a new install. Because of this EasyAs will Delete the current files when you uninstall the software.
So it is important that you make sure that you have a current backup of your accounting data before you attempt anything..
However if you are not able to access the program then you may be thinking how will it be possible to backup your data.. Please read the information below as it will direct you where to go so you can perform a Manual Backup.
Manual Backup
I understand that if windows is having a brain fart it may not be allowing you access to the easyas software. This means that you may not be able to run the backup facility provided within EasyAs.
However there is a way of backing up your data files manually. The following link will offer you information on backing up your data files via a Manual Backup
Once you have performed a Manual Backup return to this page and continue with the steps below.
Steps to Reinstalling EasyAs On Your Pc
If you are attempting to fix a pc issue by reinstalling EasyAs onto your computer and you have already backed up your data files, then read below.
If you DO NOT have a safe copy/backup of your data files then please read above.
Steps needed:
Please take the time to read and understand ALL of the 3 Steps below before physically carrying out any of these steps.
Step 1 – Removing EasyAs
If your version of easyas is not working then you will need to uninstall the program so you can download and reinstall it again.
To uninstall the software you will need to go to your Add/Remove Programs section of your Windows Operating System..
Once there locate the EasyAs Accounting Software 8 from the list of programs installed on your pc, once you have located the program proceed to uninstall it from the computer.
Step 2 – Installing EasyAs
This step simply involves downloading and installing a copy of EasyAs onto the new computer.
Simply go to the download page and download a copy of the program (yes you are downloading the 30 Day Trial Version), once you have downloaded the program simply install it on your pc.
One you have reinstalled the program onto your pc you are then ready to restore your data files.
Step 3 – Restoring your Data Files
This step simply involves restoring a copy of your previously backed up data files onto your computer.
To find out how to restore your data files simply go to this page and watch the video. You will find the second half of the video talks about restoring your data files – Restoring Your Data Files
Can I install EasyAs Twice onto the same pc:
NO… NO.. No..
You CANNOT run two versions of the software on the same pc, if you attempt to install easyas again windows will simply see the installation as one program.
Even if you were to purchase another serial number from us, you still cannot have two versions of the software running on the same pc, the purchasing of the serial number has nothing to do with the installation and running of the software.
If you already have EasyAs running on your pc and you attempt to download and install another version of EasyAs you will loose all your data.. What actually happens is that windows will simply treat the install as a new install and will override all previous easyas files, including your data files. This means that as it installs it will also install new empty data files, thus you will end up with only one version of easyas installed and you will experience complete loss of all your data..
So the key to remember is One Pc, One Version of EasyAs Installed..
If for some reason you find that 5 Business Profiles is not enough for you and you need additional Business Profiles (as you have more then 5 Businesses) and you want another version of easyas so you can manage more businesses, then you must run and install it onto a different pc.
WARNING – What I If I Have Not Purchased The Software
From time to time we see individuals who are attempting to get around the 30 Day Trial Period, they attempt to reinstall easyas in a hope of gaining another 30 Days. However this will not grant you the ability of another 30 Day Trial, plus you will also be in the same situation as mentioned above, with the loss of your data files if you did not perform a backup prior to reinstalling the software..
If you are happy with the software then go ahead and purchase a serial number
This page provides more information about the Trial Software
If the software is not what you are looking for then you are free to look for another accounting program more suited to you’re needs.