
We have an ever growing list of Contractors, Subcontractors and Small Businesses world wide using EasyAs, from a variety of industries including Construction, Hair Dressing, Home Maintenance, Nursery, EFT, Online Sellers and many more.  Send Us Your Testimonial

Don’t believe anything we say, take a look at what others are saying:



Bobby Raper

This is the best accounting software I have ever used. Just like the name says its very easy and has everything I need to do the billing for our plumbing business. I thank God I found this software. If you are looking for a way to bill your customers this is it. We do not even have to mail invoices we just email them. I cant say enough good things about EasyAs there customer service and support are the best. Thank you EasyAs for making this it has helped me so much.

Bobby Raper
Chris Taylor Plumbing

Donna Rolls

I am a hair stylist NOT an accountant. I needed something simple to use

Donna Rolls – USA

Donna Rolls

Residential Home Inspections

I have been looking for this piece of software since the day I started by own small business. Unfortunately I had to put up with 10 years with “the leading product on the market”. I dreaded doing my bookkeeping and by the time I was done I would be annoyed and angry. I have been using it 10 years and still don’t know how to correctly keep track of things and where to find the information I need. So much for ease of use.

I have been looking for a better solution for last six months until I finally stumbled upon this gem. After watching few of the videos I figured out how to use it and after few hours I understood that this program does exactly what I need it to do and does it so well. Data entry is easy and intuitive. You can always find and edit it when you need it. It keeps track of all the things that I need and nothing more. Wonderful!

Unfortunately I also discovered an issue that prompted the latest update. Tracy was very prompt when I informed him of this bug and sure enough the update was up in a few weeks.

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Sead Kulenovic


I have been using easyas for about 6 months and absolutely love it!! it really is “easy as” !! you only use the bits the are relevant for your type of business, but i just love the simplicity of it. cant recommend it highly enough

Glenys Miller

Bathroom Renovations

Clean Sleak Looking Bathrooms

Thank you for the extra assistance you gave with my recent questions.

This program was recommended to me after having purchased [competitor] and not being able to use it fully due to the complicated way it did the accounts.

I previously had difficulty with my sales tax returns, but all the information I now need is on one printout. This alone saves me hours.

I would not hesitate in recommending this program to anyone, and I already have.

Extensions - Verandahs - Bathrooms
Brisbane, Australia
Mobile: 0413177385

Veronica Hocken

Absolutely the customer service is awesome

Veronica Hocken


Thanks for an great program, I love it, its so easy to use compared with the other thing I was using

South Africa

West Coast Garage Doors

West Coast Garage Doors and Automation

This program is the easiest and best accounting program by far!!!

The customer service is extremely efficient and friendly.

We had to make some changes to our program due to various product codes we use and within a week the changes were made without even one problem!

Thank you for a wonderful program…..

Will recommend it to anyone…

Andre van der Merwe
Vredenburg, South Africa
Tel: 083 447 5452
Business: 2008/054197/23

Parshall Saddle Shop

Parshall Saddle Shop USA

I’m a one man saddle shop and I needed an accounting system that fit my business. Tried other accounting systems but they were more for the larger companies that had more then one employee, and carried a large inventory.

All I needed was an accounting system that would allow me to input information easily without having to navigate through so many steps, your accounting system allows me to do just that.

The other accounting systems had bells and whistles I have no need for, was paying money for something I wasn’t using.

Thank you for the accounting system.

John Putz
Phoenix, USA

Stop Smoking With EFT

This software has made bookkeeping easy, I have been using it for several years.

I no longer waste hours and hours each month doing the books..

In fact because of the way my business operates this software has made everything so much easier,  I now just use it to record income once a month to stay in from of my taxes and I do the bulk of the bookkeeping at the end of the financial year.



After looking around and downloading numerous other software trial programs, I settled on EasyAs as the best accounting for my purposes. It is intelligently organized, easy to use, and the customer service is extremely fast.

I would highly recommend it to other small general contractors or business owners.

Jacob – Canada



Anti-Aging Consultant

Permanent Makeup Practitioner

This software has everything I need for my small business. A friend, so impressed with the site as we were working on it, asked how I found it. I told her I was so overwhelmed with all the negative comments for [competitors – Qxxx, QxxBxx, Peacxxxx and Sagxx], no matter what year or upgrade, each testimonial bemoaned how bad it was as well as annual fees for updates that were suddenly thrust upon them, and unfriendly customer help–I knew it was something I definitely needed to avoid. I took heart to what those software owners were experiencing and wanted to save myself that aggravation. In desperation I just typed, “need easy accounting software for my business” in the Search block and lo and behold there you were.

Your choice of name was quite clever because it has the right words placing it in the forefront to respond to one’s desperate search for help with accounting the easy way!!

Dani – Permanent Makeup Practitioner/Anti-Aging Consultant

Dani Podvojskv

David Wilhite

LLC Construction Service

I downloaded EasyAs a few days ago, started entering my data and had a problem with one of the tabs. I emailed EasyAs and quickly received a response from Tracey with some suggestions. This did not fix the problem.

Tracey asked me to send my data to her so she could try and duplicate the problem as I was the only person having this issue. She went through the code and made a few changes which corrected the problem.

I am very impressed with the team at EasyAs as well as their excellent product.
EasyAs accounting will be my accounting software for life!

Did I mention that I got this great customer service and was still running the Free Trial Version!

Caprock, LLC Construction Service, Florida USA & Atlantic Homes Realty

David Wilhite
Florida USA

North Lakes Counseling Service

North Lakes Counselling Service


Just thought I would write and tell you what I think of EasyAs Accounting software.

I have been looking at MY** and Qu*** B**** and Reac*** which all left me feeling that there has to be a simpler way to do books for a sole trader. I have an IQ well above average but clearly I am more right brain orientated and when it comes to numbers and spreadsheets I go into a coma and resemble a cat watching the clothes in the dryer going around.

I love EasyAs and I have found it so user friendly that I have used the multi business function to record income and expenditure on all my investment properties as well as managing my counseling practice. I have watched 2 of the tutorials and will watch more over the coming weeks and I will attempt to back up data sometime this week (may the force be with me). If I were in IT, I would try to buy shares in your company and have recommended using it to everyone I know. So if it doesn’t crash, lose data or otherwise have apoplexy, it just might be the most satisfying purchase I have made since buying a sat nav 5 years ago.

Kind regards

Leonie Schilling
North Lakes Counselling Service
11 Kennedia Court NORTH LAKES QLD
07 3886 2715 - 0423 653 841

Webdesign – WebGraphics- Banners


When I started Affordable Web Graphics by Design, I knew I was going to need a program that would take care of all of my accounting needs easily and proficiently.

So, I began my search by googling “account software for dummies”. Well needless to say there was quit a long list of programs that claimed to be “easy”. I began my free trial download excursion to find my easy software. Well the more I tried the more discouraged I got.

Most programs were to heavy or took a masters degree to operate. Finally, one day I saw a search result that simply stated “EasyAs Accounting Software”. So I thought what the heck, another free trial download won’t hurt.

All I have to do is plug my numbers and information in and EasyAs takes care of the rest for me. This program takes care of everything I need as a small business owner! I even went as far as sending them an email stating they misnamed the program; should be: EasyAs Accounting for DUMMIES, make the label Yellow/Black!

Steven Putt
Webdesign & Webgrahics


We just began using EasyAs Accounting Software at the beginning of 2012. My friend runs a plumbing business and I help him with his billing. This software does everything we have needed and is a joy to use. Any help you need is always promptly addressed by a caring attitude from their technical support team.


Bobby R
United States

Langeberg Lodge

Lodge South Africa

My wife and I own and manage a guest house in South Africa and for the past 3 years I have done my day-to-day book keeping using spreadsheets of my own design created with Microsoft Excel. I’m fortunate in that I have a qualification in business management, and have a fair knowledge of financial and management accounting.

My custom spreadsheets worked OK so why did I choose the EasyAs Accounting Software package to meet the needs of our business for financial information?

Basically, what prompted me to consider using off-the-shelf accounting software was the sense that I was spending too much time on book keeping, leaving me less time to manage other…….. Click Here to read the full Testimony

Chris Micklethwaite
South Africa
Tel +27(0)28 514 1584

Home Inspection GA

Inspection Connection, LLC.

I have tried several different types of software that was supposed to “make my job more simple”. well guess what, I returned them all, QB / Peac**** Software / etc. Your software is excellent and best of all “easy to use”.

But of course even better is your support group. Every time that I have had a question it has always been answered in a very timely manner and also with the utmost of professionalism and courtesy.

Any product on the market today is only as good at its design team and support people. I have recommended this software to countless associates. Thanks everyone and please keep up the good work.

Charlie Harper
Mobile: 770-722-3717


wow, this has to be the best accounting program I have tried. I use to do the books for my parents business and it use to take hours just to do a handful of receipt. Your software saves so much time.

Its simple and easy to understand. I don’t know why some of the others have to be so difficult and complicated, I found everything I want in your software and its basic.

New Zealand

EasyAs easy to use

Software, and especially accounting software, can be a nightmare to understand and become proficient in using it, but EasyAs is straigtforward easy and you’re up and running in no time.

I advised a land surveyor to investigate EasyAs for his small company and he was up and running within a day. Keep up the good work

Oshipe Turnkey Projects
CIF 1017-338

Brad Lockhart

I feel you have named the software very appropriately. I would not hesitate in recommending it to anyone.

I showed my wife last night how to use it, as she is going to be inputting the data for me, and after inputting two receipts she said “is that it, this is so easy”. Her exact words!


Brad Lockhart

Greg Pritchard

First Aid Training


I have been using easy as accounting for about 2 years now and I would have to say it is one of the most user friendly accounting programs I have used to date.

when I set up my business I tried numerous other programs all of which needed a degree in accounting to use, the software is what small business is all about simple in its make up easy to use so you can concentrate on your business and not on spending hours trying to work out how to do the accounts.

You can contact Greg Pritchard at Ridgeline Training and Consultancy Monday to Friday during normal business Hours to book your first aid training on 0415929382

Gregory Pritchard
Greg Pritchard - First Aid Training

Kandi Stickman

I used a program called [competitor] that didn’t have enough areas for keeping records so I was always searching for a new program,

I have tried [competitors – 3 programs mentioned], and found they either lacked things I needed or one needed to have a degree in accounting to use the program.

I switched when I found the EasyAs Accounting Software while searching for and easier program after trying to learn how to use [competitor].

A BIG THANKYOU – for designing accounting software that everyone can use

Kandi Stickman

Proper Roofing

Proper Roofing Australia

I have used [competitors – 4 programs mentioned]. The reason I have switched is because I am in total control of everything, I won’t forget anything because I can access everything from the control panel and with a few clicks I’m where I want to be

I really like the Accounts Payable and Receivable and the invoice system. Its brilliant. I also like the backup system

I like that you can see the expense and income totals on the main screen

Unquestionably the greatest software support I’ve ever had

Mario Mirelli
Proper Roofing
Adelaide, Australia
Mobile: 0416023461
ABN 48001336740 - BLD54844

TipyTap Transcription Management

I think the support is fantastic. Purchasing this accounting software has definitely been a great asset to my business and recommend any small business to purchase it

I used to use [competitor] and when I saw your program it was very similar except for the fact that after downloading the trial version it was much simpler. From the first moment I used it I thought it was easy and because it was designed for small business I had to have it.

TipyTap Transcription Management

Norman J Wilson Photography

Norman J. Wilson Photography

I’d like to thank you for creating Easy As Accounting.

I’ve been searching for the right program for my Photography business for a long time, and have tried a wide range of products from free to those costing thousands of dollars. Finally, I’ve found a product that is simple enough that I actually enter information as it happens, rather than letting things pile up until I set aside time to enter accounting data. And it’s flexible enough to handle the specifics of my business and how it runs! Add to that the surprisingly low cost and it’s a perfect option for small and home-based businesses!

Support, while little has been needed, is quick and friendly, and it’s so easy and fast that I to carry it with me in the field, making it easier than ever to track out-of-office sales and travel expenses. I will certainly be recommending this program every chance I get.

My office is more organized, and my business is presenting a more professional look thanks to your software!

Norman Wilson

Pivotal Dance

Australia Pivotal Dance

I have been wanting to contact you for some time to express my thanks for your excellent programme.

I run a couple of small businesses from home and my time is extremely limited – I am the queen of the multitask!

Accounting tasks need to be handled very efficiently if everyone is to be kept happy and this is where I have found your software absolutely perfect. The only time I see our accountant is within one week of the end of the financial year when I hand over fully detailed records and thus avoid having to run back and forth to get the tax reporting sorted. Using your system is so “easy as” that literally the day after the financial year ends I am completely ready to go – just a matter of printing off the reports and it is essentially done. I also find the invoicing set up extremely user friendly with the simple transfer of payment information to the cash book very time saving.

I have had one or two matters which I have needed some clarification along the way and the quick response to enquiries has been marvelous.

So, once again, THANKYOU

Best Wishes

Michelle Olivier



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